Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is Obama a Socialist? Part 2: College, Church & Career

College & Church:


  • Tragedy of the Warren Court: No redistributive change
  • Voted for TARP
  • $787 billion stimulus redistribution bill
  • Healthcare bill admittedly about 'redistributing the wealth'
  • Single Payer Healthcare proponent
  • President Obama now also President of GM & Chrysler
  • President Obama seizes control of insurance giant AIG
  • President Obama is leading America to single payer healthcare
  • President Obama seized control of Student Loan industry in order to 'cut out middle man'
  • President Obama seizes control in massive land grabs
  • Repeatedly vilifies 'the rich'
  • Obama believes race problems can be solved through redistribution of wealth... he said "race is still an enormous factor in our society. But economics can overcome a lot of racial division."
  • Trying to regulate the Internet via FCC
  • Forces mortgage co's to cover people who aren't paying mortgage
  • Extends unemployment benefits to 99 weeks
  • Told Joe the plumber 'it's better when you spread things around'

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