Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Left's Reality Model: Rules & Results

Rules- "if-then" statements that translate your beliefs into actions.

  • If the gov't needs another agency, raises taxes on everyone.
  • If a new corporation sprouts up, over-regulate it, and try to unionize it.
  • If a corporation is going bankrupt then declare it "too big too fail" and nationalize it.
  • If you think the working man is not making enough income, create a minimum wage & keep increasing it.
  • If a new income comes into being, tax it.
  • Make landlords not charge over a certain amount of rent.
  • Make bankers lower their loan rates and engage in other practices that they would not ordinary do.
  • If a new gov't program like Social Security is created, make it mandatory and infinite.
  • If a new business you think is a monopoly, declare it as one forever.
  • If a product is perceived as evil or bad, regulate it.
  • If a Christian symbol appears on gov't property, remove it.
  • If two grade school teams play a game--the loser gets a trophy too.
  • Don't teach hard material to grade school students.
  • If a part of history makes the Left look bad then remove it from text books and don't teach it.
  • If a part of history makes Conservatives look good then remove it from text books and don't teach it.
  • Apologize for America.
  • Reduce America's nuclear arms.
  • Read Miranda rights to any terrorist.
  • When arguing with someone freeze him, personalize him, and polarize him.
  • If a Mexican comes across America's border illegally, don't stop him and don't send him back.


  • Higher unemployment and more businesses going bankrupt.
  • Inflation.
  • Nationalization of big business.
  • World gov't.
  • Bigger government.
  • Potential renters paying actual renters for their apartments. 
  • More people dependent on the gov't.
  • More stupid kids graduating high school.
  • Young people out-of-touch with the real world.
  • Homeowners defaulting on their loans.
  • America's national security in jeopardy.
  • Amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • Angry, frustrated, confused, resentful, depressed people who are not on the Left.
  • Less freedom.

This model I borrowed from Hyrum W. Smith's 1994 book called The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management. Except he had a Behavior Patterns element in the model.

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