Monday, May 10, 2010

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 15

  • For a government conspiracy to be pulled off it would mean the gov't would actually have to be competent. Only in novels do you see that.
  • He who hesitates will get run over by a car.
  • Those virgins that homicide bombers get are either crazy, desperate, or inebriated (or maybe all three). I mean what normal woman is turned on by a guy who blows himself up?
  • Light and matter cannot escape a black hole. Does that mean the soul or spirit of a person cannot escape either?
  • Laughter is the best medicine for constipation.
  • That "hunger" creature on the Weight Watchers commercials could be handy if you are stranded on a desert island. You would never go hungry. But I wonder if he can conjure up beverages?
  • Is it me or does "planned parenthood" sound similar to "planned economy?"
  • The original colonists wanted to crown George Washington king but he declined the offer. Obama would have probably have gladly accepted the offer.
  • Socialized medicine is like killing a cockroach with a steamroller. The cockroach is dead, but you could have just easily killed it with your foot.
  • Pure democracy without rule of law is like ten cannibals and five missionaries voting on what's for dinner.

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