Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 20

  • Busy people of world unite! That is if you can fit uniting in your schedule…
  • God does not believe, He knows because He is omniscience. Man has beliefs because he only has incomplete knowledge of the world and fills the gaps with his beliefs.
  • If Communists in America controlled the internet everyone would be using a dial-up connection except of course for the powers-that-be.
  • Ben Franklin once said “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Progressives would want the population of a country only to be healthy. They would overtax the wealthy and keep the population unwise (read: in the dark).
  • I wonder if the rich Left applies progressive tip system at restaurants? That is do they tip at a higher rate than people who earn less money than they do? Knowing them they probably don’t tip at all.
  • If guns cause violence then what caused violence before the invention of gun-powder?
  • Rule 4 from Rules for Radicals: “Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “ Since we (the Radicals) don’t have any meaningful principles don’t worry about opponents using the rule on us.
  • Glenn Beck said if you change yourself you can change the country. This statement sounds like a principle from Complexity Theory: Tiny differences in input could quickly, become overwhelming differences in output. Also, known as the Butterfly Effect.
  • So, the Left now wants civil discourse. I say they go first.
  • Treating people as part of a group instead of treating them as individuals is beginning of a stereotype or even an “ism” like racism or sexism.

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