Monday, April 22, 2013

Obama admin. has SLASHED budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent

From Daily (April 16):

Barack Obama's administration has cut the budget nearly in half for preventing domestic bombings, MailOnline can reveal.

Under President George W. Bush, the Department of Homeland Security had $20 million allocated for preventing the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) by terrorists working inside the United States. The current White House has cut that funding down to $11 million.

That assessment comes from Robert Liscouski, a former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15 that killed three Americans and injured at least 173 others.

He told MailOnline that the Obama-era DHS is, on the whole, about as well-positioned as it was during the Bush administration to handle the aftermath of the April 15 bombings in Boston, 'but the Obama administration has continued to cut the budget for offices such as the Office for Bombing Prevention from $20 million started under Bush, to $11 million today.' [read more]

Of all the things to cut, the Obama admin. cuts national security. It would be one thing to cut waste in national security but no let’s cut bomb prevention. Couldn’t he cut oh, I don’t know, money from the EPA? or even the DoE or NEA? Oh, I forget. After Obama got elected the world became peaceful and the citizens of the world now like America. And the Boston bombings were caused by guys with mental problems—not because they are militant Islamists (That’s what the lame-stream-press might report anyway.) Uh, huh. Sure.

Why is it with the Left in a town or city whenever they have to cut some program they say emergency services (like the fire dept., police dept. etc.) are cut first? Seems like a reflex with them. What they are really saying is we don’t want to cut any program at all so if we have to we will make the citizens suffer. That is just pettiness.

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