Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Obamacare: Death Warrant for Some

From the Independence (April 19):

The government is going to regulate doctors’ pay under Obamacare and it will be based on the patient’s worthiness.

My doctor’s new patients will be young and healthy because he will be paid by his success rate with each patient.  He will get paid far less for patients who do not improve. How can he take people who can’t be cured, who will continually grow sicker or who are elderly? He has to make a living.

He is going to be paid in bulk. Patients who come back for the same problem will be included in the one-time bulk rate.

His pay will depend on patient report cards. Personalized care is out, government one-size fits all healthcare is in.

What person will go into medicine now? How will this help the doctor shortage?

What doctor will want the obese patient or the patient who smokes or drinks? It is now the government’s business. Patients will be tracked and some will be deemed unworthy of more extensive care because of their habits. That is what happens when the government is in charge. It already happens in the UK.

Beware the BMI! Patients will be subject to random BMI checks as CVS recently did with their employees. CVS was criticized but they are merely following Obamacare guidelines. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandated counseling sessions for obese people and if they don’t comply, they will pay for it with inferior treatment services. [read more]

And when the doctors turn away patients who will get the blame? Obama? The federal gov’t? No, on both counts. The patients, especially the l0w-information patients, will blame the doctors. Saying the doctors don’t care about them. (That’s why there is patient report cards.) And Obama will validate the patients feelings making sure the doctors get blamed—so he or the gov’t won’t.

The reason the gov’t is using a “success rate” to measure the patients isn’t because the gov’t really cares about patients getting well. The success rate is being used to justify Obamacare. The gov’t then can point to a “good” (good being defined by the gov’t) success rate and say “Look Obamacare is working. People are being cured and getting well.” If the gov’t and the lame-stream-press doesn’t report the “success rate” then it is because the success rate is low.

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