Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Immigration Reform Rally on ‘Closed’ National Mall OK’d by Park Service

From The (Oct. 7):

The Park Service will reportedly allow a pro-immigration reform rally to occur on the National Mall even though the site is technically closed due to the partial government shutdown.

Organizers for the event, titled “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform,” set up a stage and equipment for the Tuesday rally as the public was kept out. A spokesperson for the event told the Washington Examiner that the Park Service has granted them permission to utilize the site.

“The President and his administration have a history of picking and choosing which laws they want to obey and this is no different,” Dane told The Blaze. “Americans who fought for freedom are denied access to the WW II memorial while those who violate our laws are rewarded.” [read more]

Gee, I wonder if the TEA Party can demonstrate in the Mall? Hmmm.  Meanwhile, WWII vets can see their memorial before they die. Or the American people can’t view Mount Rushmore (its out in the open for Christ sakes! Okay, I can see not letting visitors go inside) or the Lincoln Memorial. Is this the top down part of top down-bottom up-inside out? Causing inconvenience for no good reason? (Or maybe there is a sinister reason and not by the Park Service…)

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