Monday, June 06, 2016

Hillary To Her Voters: Stay Home, I’ve Already Won

From The Hillary (May 23):

In one of the dumbest things any candidate for any office has ever said, Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the primaries are basically over. “I will be the nominee for my party, Chris. That is already done, in effect. There is no way that I won’t be.”

Other than soothing her own anxieties by anticipating victory, her statement is nothing but counterproductive.

It tells her own voters not to bother to turn out and vote. She has, after all, already won she says.

It says to voters in California, Oregon, Washington State, South Dakota, New Mexico, New Jersey and Montana that their role in the nominating process has been eclipsed: Hillary has won. [read more]

Wow, what nerve. Then again when the fix is in I guess she can say that unless of course she gets indicted then who knows who will be nominated at the convention. Possibly Joe Biden.

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