Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Finland's Government Collapsed Under Weight Of Socialized Healthcare

From Zero Hedge.com (Mar. 13):

Healthcare costs, which are high because of governments, have caused the collapse of the Finnish government. Prime Minister Juha Sipila and the rest of the cabinet resigned after the governing coalition failed to pass reforms in parliament to the country’s regional government and health services, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Finland, like much of the developed world, faces an aging population, with around 26 percent of its citizens expected to be over 65 by the year 2030, an increase of 5 percent from today.  The strain on the socialized medical system is impossible to ignore, and cannot be fixed by more government interference.

And the problems with socialism continue, as money is taken from some and given to others, eventually, the takers will outnumber the makers.

The only reform that could possibly help these failing systems is to have the government step back and let competition and the free market thrive. Of course, that’s the one thing governments cannot and will not do because it means giving up power and control over people’s lives.

Reuters reports that soaring treatment costs and longer life spans have particularly affected Nordic countries. It isn’t just Finland.  Sweden and Denmark face similar bleak outlooks for their socialism as well. [read more]

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