Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coronavirus Commission Offers 5-Phase Plan for Getting America Back to Normal

From The Daily (April 9):

The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission announced a five-phase plan to get the American economy and public health “back to normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 17-member commission established by The Heritage Foundation had its first formal and virtual meeting Thursday.

“Americans want to ensure their families are kept safe and healthy,” said commission Chairwoman Kay C. James, president of The Heritage Foundation.

The five phases outlined by the commission are:

—Return to a more normal level of business activity at the regional level based on scientific data.

—Slow the spread of the coronavirus while expanding testing, reporting, and contact tracing.

—Continue to build the science.

—Establish U.S. leadership in leading the free world in economic recovery.

—Reduce future risks of pandemics. [read more]

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