Thursday, October 22, 2020

SPEECHLESS: Racist Group Releases Stripper and Pole Dancer PSA to Urge Blacks to Vote for Democrats — Cuz Liberals Think Blacks Only Want Stripper Ads

From The Gateway (Sept. 23):

Racist much?
Here is the latest ad by a liberal group that displays what Democrats REALLY think of black voters.
They only think of strippers, pole dancing and big butts.

A new far left group released this video to encourage blacks to vote for Joe Biden.

This is a new low for the American left.
The video ad includes only Atlanta strippers and poll dancers.

The group describes itself as:

In the middle of the pandemic, while many of us were out of work- we decided that we wanted to help influence the election! Angela, our fearless director, thought it would be a great idea to have exotic dancers from some of Atlanta’s finest gentlemen’s clubs to tell their patrons and fans to ‘Get their booties to the poll!’ [read more]

This is as bad as a bunch of nude actors telling viewers how to fill out a ballot so the ballot isn’t “naked.”

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