Thursday, November 19, 2020

Joe Biden Wants Christians on Terror List for Opposing LGBTQ Agenda

From The Washington (Oct. 12, 2019):

Former Vice President Joe Biden just announced that he wants Christians to be put on a terror watch list if they commit the crime of opposing the LGBTQ agenda.

At CNN’s LGBT town hall on Thursday, Biden advocated for a registry of all religious organizations that won’t toe the line of the radical gay agenda. Looks like Biden wants to pin a yellow star on Christians who oppose the gay mafia.

Worse, Biden’s proclamation at the townhall was his way of signing onto an idea pushed by the left-wing, hate-group called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Biden pushed three things to help end “hate crimes” against gays: passing the Equality Act, monitoring groups that are similar to terrorist groups, and rewrite federal civil rights laws to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. [read more]

And Biden says it’s a “time to heal?” Really? Come on man!

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