Wednesday, April 28, 2021

North Korea Launches First Missiles in Nearly a Year

From (Mar. 24):

North Korea launched two cruise missiles from its western coast Sunday, marking Pyongyang’s first missile test since April 2020.

The launch was seen by various analysts as a test of the Biden administration, an angry response to U.S. military drills, or the beginning of a new North Korean military exercise.

South Korean and U.S. officials said they were immediately aware of the launches but did not make them public at first, downplaying their importance. The missiles fired by North Korea did not appear to be the long-range weapons banned by U.N. Security Council resolutions.

South Korea’s Yonhap News identified the weapons on Wednesday as Kumsong-3 coastal defense missiles and said they flew about 150 miles before splashing into the East Sea – more in the direction of China than Japan, which usually has a front-row seat to the more provocative North Korean missile tests.

The North Korean military is nominally engaged in lengthy “winter drills” that last from December to March. The missile launch occurred three days after the U.S. and South Korea completed their own nine-day spring exercise, which North Korea strongly objected to, even though it was scaled down considerably to include a “minimum level” of troops and no outdoor maneuvers at all.

After ignoring the Biden administration for months, North Korea delivered a warning last week via dictator Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong, who warned the new White House not to “give off gunpowder smell in our land” with military drills.

“If it wants to sleep in peace for the coming four years, it had better stink at its first step,” she said. [read more]

Great. This is what happens when you have a weak leader.

Another article about the subject:

Biden Laughs When Reporter Asks About North Korea’s Saber-Rattling After Pyongyang Launches Two Missiles in Challenge to Biden Admin (VIDEO)

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