Friday, August 06, 2021

The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored

Commentary From Steve McCann on American (Mar. 29):

I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.”  This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me.  They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.

However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.

First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy.  The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history.  Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession.   Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.  

The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country.   The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.

This obsession with race led to what is now often referred to as “identity politics.”  Identity politics was not invented by the modern American left.  It was, in fact, a weapon in the arsenal of the Nazi Party.  As the Nazis, using the national media they controlled, sliced and diced the populace into specific identity groups and then promulgated grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order to foment anger at a specific identity group previously isolated by the party, the Jews.  The Democrat party and the left, using the so-called mainstream media, is doing the same among their manufactured identity groups (as defined by race or sexual orientation or ethnicity) in order to foment anger and isolate a specific group: white, heterosexual Christians.

Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.  In other words, their version of today’s “cancel culture.”   The Nazis were notorious for book-burning rituals in order to intimidate and send the message that they would shut down anyone and anything that did not align with their ideology.  Once in control of the national levers of powers, they did so with impunity.   The American left is figuratively burning books as it uses social media mobs as the vehicle to send the message that they will shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology. [read more]

Other commonalities:

  • The Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry through propaganda and “fake news.”
  • The Nazis, true to socialist ideology, preyed on class envy to stoke tensions and resentment as they blamed the “Junker Class” (the equivalent of today’s “one percent”) for the nation’s economic woes.
  • In the 1920’s and early 30’s the Nazi Party routinely relied on street riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through intimidation while blaming the communists for the violence.
  • In January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.  Within four weeks a mysterious fire broke out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building which they blamed on communist agitators and that this was the opening salvo in a violent coup.

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