Thursday, May 23, 2024

Seeking Counsel

From Bill O’Reilly on Bill O’ (Aug. 13, 2023):

Attorney General Merrick Garland is scared. So is FBI Chief Christopher Wray. But most frightened of all should be President Joe Biden. I say should because, at this point, he might not understand or even remember how he enabled his son and brother to amass millions in foreign payments for doing nothing.

That is called "influence peddling." There are a variety of federal statutes in place to discourage dishonesty.

As has been widely reported, Vice-President Biden under Barack Obama spent time chatting and meeting with a variety of foreign nationals doing "business" with Hunter and Jim Biden. Joe says it was harmless chit-chat. He loudly proclaims he never helped his son and brother, who were grifting foreign enterprises using the "Big Guy's" name.

The odds that the President's denials ring true are about the same as Joy Behar running away with Tucker Carlson.

On Friday, the hapless Merrick Garland announced that the U.S. Attorney investigating Hunter Biden's crimes would be given "Special Counsel" status. This means David Weiss can bring charges in all American jurisdictions. But according to sworn testimony by Garland, Weiss has had the power to do that for five years. That's how long he's been investigating Hunter, and in all that time has basically uncovered nothing. House Republicans are exposing all the hidden cash.

But, suddenly, Merrick Garland wants to know the true extent of the Biden family grifting. He really, really does. But not really enough to order the FBI to aggressively get involved with the case. The Bureau is too busy surveilling Catholics anyway.

The tone of this column is cynical, I'm aware. But this entire Biden thing is bogus. The fix was in from the beginning, with Hunter not paying his taxes and generally behaving like a cartel member. The corrupt press helped Hunter out. The Justice Department didn't care.

Special Counsel Weiss may now take five more years to uncover Joe Biden's role in all this, but I suspect he won't even look. Old Joe is on the ropes anyway, so why bother? In reality, anyone with a smidgen of clarity understands that the corruption is staggering. But Weiss is on the record as saying there is no corruption.

So much for the new Special Prosecutor.

As The Who once sang: "Meet the new boss - same as the old boss."

Right on! [source]

Weiss is just there to cover Briben’s behind.

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