Saturday, August 19, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 2

  • A loaded gun laying on a table does not hurt anybody. Only when somebody fires it at someone does it hurt somebody.
  • Mankind has the capability for good and evil. A person chooses what path to take.
  • Nature (the universe) is indifferent to mankind.
  • Dictators only respect military strength.
  • If a minority in a majority act in a certain way, outsiders who do not understand the majority will have a tendency to think all people belonging to that group are like the minority if the majority does not speak up against the minority to contradict the belief.
  • National security should always trump business.
  • Life is too complex for guarantees.
  • Abortion hurts the social security system. Babies are potentially future workers who would pay into the system. If abortion is out-of-control the population does not replenish itself and eventually social security will go eventually bankrupt. It's already happening because people are living longer and having less kids.
  • Judges are umpires. They should not make the law. They only decide if the law is being upheld or not.
  • Any system or organization that gets too big tends to get corrupted and ignores the individual parts.

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