A "useful idiots" was Lenin's phrase for the Western journalists and academics who supported Soviet Communism. Here I use the term as anyone who supports or sympathizes with Islamic terrorism who is not an Islamic terrorist. Here are what I define as specific characteristics of an useful idiot:
1) Anyone that believes the Iraq war is illegal. The United Nations had sanctions against Iraq when Hussein was in power. They never upheld any of those sanctions. So, the US and her allies had a right to upheld the sanctions. Also, if you believe the war is illegal then you are calling all the US troops over there criminals.
2) Any judges that make rulings that interfere with fighting the terrorists.
3) Anyone who refers to President Bush's surveillance program as a "domestic" spying program. It gathers info on people making contact with known terrorist nations or nations who support terrorists using social-network analysis and data mining techniques.
4) Anyone that believes you can reason with or appease the terrorists. If you are not one of them, they don't care what you say and what you think. They are only appeased when you're a Muslim or dead.
5) Anyone who is concerned about offending the Islamic terrorists. Thinking that offending them will increase more terrorism. What caused 911 then? Or what caused the terrorist attacks before that? Just being a Westerner (especially an American or Israelite or anyone who believes in democracy for that matter) offends them. That's what caused 911.
6) Reporters exposing national security secrets.
7) Anyone believing that Hussein had no connections to al Qaeda. Bin Laden was in Iraq during the 1990s. Read The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein has Endangered America by Stephen F. Hayes.
8) Anyone who thinks their is a moral equivalence between the terrorists and the US and her allies. Please! Is their a moral equivalence between a psychopathic killer and a law abiding citizen?
9) Anyone who thinks that the military is torturing terrorists. Yes, their has been cases of this, but overall the terrorists have been treated well.Ask anybody who has visited Camp Guantanamo-Bay. Oh, by the way keeping a suspected terrorist up all night is NOT torture.
10) Anyone who believes that terrorists should be covered under the Geneva Convention. They don't care about the Geneva Convention. The cowards fire their weapons out of Mosques for God's sake.
11) Anybody who believes the US gov't had any part of the 911 tragedy. These conspiracy kooks also probably believe that NASA faked the moon landing, and Jesus Christ slept with Mary Magdalen.
12) Anybody that thinks President Bush started the Iraq war because of oil. I don't remember President Bush talking about invading Iraq before the 911 tragedy. If this were true don't you think The New York Times would have found out about it and reported it? This belief is similar to 1).
13) Anybody who wants to understand the Islamic extremists for the sake of understanding them or thinking you can help them change. They don't want to change. You only want to understand them to stop them. Period. Think of an FBI profiler trying to understand a serial killer. That's the way a person should think about them.
14) Anybody thinking any kind of terrorist profiling is wrong. Israel has been doing terrorist profiling for a long time, and it works.
15) Anyone that thinks Christians and Jews are more a threat than Islamic extremists. If John Lennon had said "We are more popular than Mohammed" a fatwa would have been issued on him and some lunatic Islamic extremist would have tried to kill him. All the Christians did in protest was to burn the Beatles' albums and memorabilia. Then there is Salman Rushie who wrote the Satanic Verses book. The Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa on him.
16) Anyone who thinks the terrorists who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers are brave. A person who rescues a fellow human being from a building on fire is brave. A solder who jumps on a live grenade to save his unit is brave. Anybody protesting in a totalitarian state is brave. In other words, sacrificing your life to save another person is brave. Killing yourself and others to get virgins in the afterlife is NOT brave.
17) Anyone who believes America deserved the Twin Towers attack because God is angry at her. Terrorists decided to crash those planes in the towers. God had nothing to do with it. God is a creator not a destroyer.
Talking about useful idiots you might want to read, Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First by Mona Charen. It's a good book.
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