America's taxpayer's dollars are at work again. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is suing the Salvation Army for firing a couple of employees for not speaking English on the job. That is the policy of the Salvation Army--you have to learn English to work for the private non-profit organization. The Salvation Army even let the couple of employees have a year to learn English. Wow, that is pretty generous.
This stupid suit brings up several issues. If the EEOC can sue a private non-profit organization for firing people for not speaking English after giving them a year, then they can go after other private organization and businesses for the same thing. If the EEOC wins this suit that is what will potentially happen. Gov't out-of-control is what this is called. Private organizations should be able to hire and fire people without repercussion. Another issue is speaking English on the job. If you are in a job where you have to communicate with customers like say a cabbie, tech support technition, or a psychologist you should be required to learn the English language. Heck, if you are an immigrant to this country and say you love America then learn the English language. That is the main language of the country. It will help you in the end and will show that you love the country. My maternal grandfather came from Germany when he was 18 to this country not knowing any English. But since he made America his home and loved the country he wanted to learn English and did. If I lived in Italy for example I would try to learn Italian.