Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Five-Point Presidential Platform

Here is my talking points on a good presidential platform:

One, take the war on terror seriously. Never letting another 9/11 ever happen again.

Two, a flat-rate income tax with very few exemptions. Congress won't like this idea because they use the current system as a way to punish and reward.

Three, line-item veto for the president. States have it, why not the federal gov't? Congress won't like it because their pork projects might be trimmed, and the president might not like it because it makes him/her more responsible for trimming the fat. Also, if he cuts out something that the opposition party likes they might accuse him of not funding a "necessary" program. If the country is serious about balancing the budget this is a real good way to do it.

Four, illegal immigration reform. Put a barbwire fence or the National Guard on the border to keep out the trespassers for starters. Fine any business for hiring illegal aliens. If an illegal alien commits a crime, deport him/her. Lynn Woolley has even more good ideas on this topic.

Five, make Social Security optional. That is let the workers decide if they want a portion of their paycheck going into it. You could even let them decide how much that portion will be. Whatever they put into it is what they'll get out it when the worker retires. If it is a good program then workers will keep it funded. This is called democracy. Actually, make all gov't programs that take money out of your paycheck optional. You will never hear a candidate (presidential or otherwise) state this.

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