Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ex-Hostage's Gift-Bag Contains Junk

One of the hostages freed by Iran said there was nothing but junk in that "goodie" bag they gave him. The DVD and CD Iran gave him did not work and the clothing they gave him to wear was cheap. They also gave him a cheap suit to wear and stole his £160 ($294.71) iPod.

I hope the British sailor scanned both the DVD and CD for maleware before trying to play them. The Iranians could have put viruses and worms on the media. I would not put it past them to do just that. If they are capable of developing nuclear material then they are capable of writing viruses.

Also, a British naval mom said she feared that the people holding them hostage would rape her. Here is her exact words: "I was thrown into a tiny little cell and ordered to strip off. They took everything from me apart from my knickers. Then some cotton pajamas were thrown in for me to wear, and four filthy blankets. The metal door slammed shut again." She mouthed the words "Are they going to rape me?" to her commander. No wonder the Iranian gov't did not want the hostages to be interviewed when they were released. Isn't this treatment of this female sailor a violation of Geneva Convention?

On a side note, when you go to Google News and type in the phrase "British sailor hostage" you get 512 results. Change the word "hostage" to "captive" the result goes up to 2,099 results! Just an observation.

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