Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Anti-Christ and The New World Order

The Anti-Christ will assume power when he tricks both the socialists and the militant jihadists to support him. The anti-Christ will tell the world leaders that the Kyoto-Agreement must be signed to save the world from global warming and a New World Order has to be created to oversee the global warming crisis. The anti-Christ will tell the jihadists he is one of them and will install global sharia law. The anti-Christ may or may not install sharia law (possibly a hybrid of it) but there will be a horrible New World Order created with the anti-Christ as the world dictator.
What will the New World Order entail?

  1. Elimination of private property ie Communism. Socialism is just Communism lite. The militant jihadists may not like this one. Islam respects private property.
  2. Elimination of traditional governments and national sovereignty. This is what the New World Order is really about. Socialists think everyone should go everywhere in the world they want without passports or border checks. These are the so-called open border types. As long as the militant jihadist get world-wide sharia law they could care less about national sovereignty. Under sharia law there no separation of religion and state. Read: theocracy.
  3. The elimination of traditional Judeo-Christian theism. The secular-progressives which a lot of socialists are think Christianity is the root cause of most problems in the world. The militant jihadists agree. They want to eliminate Judeo-Christian theism and replace it with their own theism.
There might be a clash between the socialists and militant jihadists but the anti-Christ will be able to control that and even use it toward his advantage.

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