Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Miscellaneous Thoughts Part 8

  • Be nice to people and treat them with respect because you never know if you will run into them in the afterlife.
  • I wonder if those who are for open borders will let complete strangers trespass on their property.
  • It is harder to use reason than to react emotionally.
  • Imagination allows a person to examine nuances of a situation or possible future outcomes.
  • Since cloud cover decreases global warming maybe scientists should come up with a way to have the whole earth covered with non-precipitates clouds. Just a thought.
  • If you are going to be uploading minds to computers you better be sure they are shielded against EMF pulses.
  • If criminals gave themselves up to the police and admitted their wrong doing then defense attorneys would be unemployed.
  • If guns kill people then what killed people before guns?
  • Randomness is sometimes mistaken for complexity.
  • Saying you support the troops and not the mission is like saying you love the sinner but not the sin. The troops and their mission are inseparable. You are just playing word games.

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