The press is asking people if they want Obama to succeed. Bill O'Reilly even had that question as a poll. What's important is not Obama succeeding so much is that the country succeeds and maintains its exceptualism. Presidents and even Congressmen come and go. That's how a democracy works. What is success for America? Winning the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. America having a strong dollar, high employment, low inflation, and not increasing the debt. Guarding the border so illegals and possibly terrorists cannot come in.
What is not successful is bailing out companies that cannot succeed. In other words, rewarding failure. Failure is when the universe tells you, you suck at this endeavour. Try something more align with your talents. Let's say I wrote crappy music or painted crappy paintings. Would you want the gov't funding me so I can continue to make junk? I don't think so. Whatever happen to survivor of the fittest? I thought the Left loves evolution. Failure is where America turns into a socialistic state. That would make the founding fathers roll in their graves. I am totally against nationalizing anything in the private sector. I don't care: Banks, Health care. It will destroy the economy. Gov't does a poor job of running the private sector mainly because it does not understand it. Also, it can be dangerous for the citizens because the more power the gov't collects the more the gov't becomes corrupted.
For Obama to succeed he has to keep America safe from another terrorist attack and encourage the private sector and not get in its way. Don't reward losers and punish winners. It is not right and it's not fair. That's what the free market is for. The free market is not perfect, but neither is gov't. The brain has no central neuron to control the body. Neither should the free market have a central bureaucracy to control what it does.
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