Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama's Health Executive Order

From White Obama issued another executive order. Any highlights are by me. Below is condensed version of the order.



Section 1. Establishment. There is established within the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council (Council).

(a) The Surgeon General shall serve as the Chair of the Council, which shall be composed of:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture;
(2) the Secretary of Labor;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Education;
(6) the Secretary of Homeland Security;
(7) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency;
(8) the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission;
(9) the Director of National Drug Control Policy;
(10) the Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council;
(11) the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs;
(12) the Chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service; and
(13) the head of any other executive department or agency that the Chair may, from time to time, determine is appropriate.

Sec. 3. Purposes and Duties. The Council shall:

(c) provide recommendations to the President and the Congress concerning the most pressing health issues confronting the United States and changes in Federal policy to achieve national wellness, health promotion, and public health goals, including the reduction of tobacco use, sedentary behavior, and poor nutrition;

Sec. 4. Advisory Group.

(b) The Advisory Group shall be composed of not more than 25 members or representatives from outside the Federal Government appointed by the President and shall include a diverse group of licensed health professionals, including integrative health practitioners who are representative of or have expertise in:

(1) worksite health promotion;
(2) community services, including community health centers;
(3) preventive medicine;
(4) health coaching;
(5) public health education;
(6) geriatrics; and
(7) rehabilitation medicine.

Section 6.

(c) contains a list of national priorities on health promotion and disease prevention to address lifestyle behavior modification (including smoking cessation, proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, mental health, behavioral health, substance-use disorder, and domestic violence screenings) and the prevention measures for the five leading disease killers in the United States;

I am not sure why the Secretaries of Agriculture, Labor, Transportation, Education, and Homeland Security (this one is really odd) are there. And why is the EPA and FTC included in the membership? Only departments not included is the IRS, CIA and FBI. Notice the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs. What is with the Left and the Indians? 

Not sure what "health coaching" entails. Hey fatso quit eating so much! Exercise more! Something like that?

Lifestyle behavior modification? Don't like the sound of that. Appropriate exercise? The gov't is going to decide how much exercise you should get? Shouldn't that be between your doctor and you? Oh, I am sorry. I forgot. Obama knows better than any doctor. 

Hat tip to for this information.

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