Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obama, Egypt and the Media


Isn’t that a cute poster? Wait a minute. I’ve seen a similar poster somewhere else….Hmmm….But not quite like that one. Don’t remember seeing that poster in the media.

Talking about the media, CNN sent  reporter Nic Robertson to the Egyptian protest and asked this “intelligent” and  “news worthy” questions to protesters: What do you think of Obama?  What is your message for Obama?

I kid you not. I am really getting tired of this adulation that the media has with Obama. If you are going over there and possibly risking your life to get the story and ask questions, I would think asking dumb questions like these would not help anything.  By the way, the protester answers were: Obama, he wasn't with us. Obama, he's been all over the ballpark. Obama, we have no message for Obama. So, much for Obama’s speech in Egypt he gave before being elected POTUS. Obama really has influence with the protesters. Not!

Here are some questions the “reporter” (I know you are getting tired of the quotes, but can you really call this guy a reporter?) could have asked:

  • What do you think of the Muslim Brotherhood?
  • Do you think the new government of Egypt should break the non-aggression treaty with Israel?
  • What do you think of America? What is your message to America?
  • Do you think Sharia law should be implemented in Egypt?

You know questions like these about Egypt and the rest of the world would be a good start.  I am surprised the reporter did not ask the protester what he thought about Obamacare. Would have been the same type of question if he did.

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