According to Thomas Sowell’s 2009 book Intellectuals and Society here was the agenda of the Nazis and Mussolini’s Italy:
- Government control of wages and hours of work.
- Higher taxes on the wealthy.
- Government-set limits on profits.
- Government care for the elderly.
- A decreased emphasis on the role of religion and the family in personal or social decisions.
- Government taking on the role of changing the nature of people, usually beginning in early childhood.
And the Left and the Nazis have nothing in common? Really? Did you know that the evil German guy with the mustache back in the 1930’s once belonged to the Communist party for a short time? He considered Communism not as an adversary but as a competitor. You know like two countries are economic competitors. Or two sports teams as competitors.
There was a pact between Germany and the Soviet Union when WWII first started. The German gov’t broke the pact because it’s evil ruler wanted to have all the power to himself. The selfish bastard! Didn’t he know that the nice Soviet Union wanted to dominate the world too? Geez. This pact is something Russia would like to forget. The war might have ended differently if Germany hadn’t broken the pact.
All the bullet points in the agenda were part of the old Soviet Union and are still espoused by the Left today. Point 4 is social security and Medicare. Point 6 is right out of Marxism when Marx talked about creating a “New Man.”
When you come down to it, the common denominator among fascism, socialism, and communism is less individual freedom until eventually you have tyranny.
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