Monday, August 12, 2013

The Martin-Zimmerman Tragedy

I wonder if Trayvon Martin “profiled” Zimmerman? I mean the 911 operator told Martin she thought Zimmerman was a gay guy out to rape Martin. She really should be reprimanded for making such an accusation without proof. Also, maybe Martin saw Zimmerman as a meek and mild person to attack. He wouldn’t fight back. That could be why the race hustlers are going after him like they are. They are basically bullies.

Martin is just a symbol to them. They don’t really care about him. I feel sorry for the Martin and Zimmerman family. I don’t feel sorry for Martin himself. He attacked Zimmerman for no reason. He could have chose not to attack him. Self-control anyone? If he would’ve he would still be alive today. Every action has a consequence. Then again maybe he was on something that affected his thinking.

Some are saying that Zimmerman didn’t have to kill Martin. That Zimmerman’s life wasn’t really in jeopardy. That’s pure speculation. It’s pretty simple in my mind. This is a case of self-defense. Period. Put yourself in Zimmerman’s place. You are walking back to your car. All of a sudden you get attacked from behind. Your head gets smashed against the ground real hard by a younger and stronger person who is saying he is going to kill you. Then the attacker tries to grab your gun. What would you do?

One other thing. If Martin had survived the gun shot would he have been prosecuted for assault and battery? Or even attempted murder? I guess we’ll never know.

Finally, that trial should have never happened. If the situation was the same and it would have been two people of the same race were involved—it probably wouldn’t have gone to trial. The race hustlers wouldn’t have cared. The jury made the right verdict.

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